jueves, 25 de julio de 2013

My experience using blogs in the English Class

I think that it was difficult for me to create the habit of writing before the deadline, because to me it's difficult to write without an inspiration, and sometimes inspiration was delaying in coming. So, for futures students I would recommend that they should finish the post in class, because then is very difficult to continue with the idea, almost for me.  I think that it's very innovative to write a blog in class,  is necessary to test new types of education; but I think that I would like more to speech more in English, primarily to learn a better accent (I must confessed that I love English accent, I hate the farmer-American accent). I'm not sure that the exercise of writing a blog helped me significantly to improve my English, but it gave me the desire of write a personal blog, in this one I would like to write about politics mainly. I would not change anything essential to the way the blog is written, certainly, topics of the post could be more varied. I remember that once that I was writing a post, I felt like in school I used to be more creative, and write maybe was easier to me, and then I realized that school and high school mostly makes students become flatter. I saw a study months ago i think that talked about that, how cognitive ability decreases. Well, I think that I can post about that someday. Now, the only way to face it, is to thinking, to question and writing.

jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

My favourite subject

My favourite subject this semester was "anthropology 1". I liked this subject because was the only course that allowed me a real approach to the anthropological discipline. In classes teacher spoke about major authors of anthropology, So I realised that almost all anthropology theories come from sociology. The subject gave me a lot of knowledge and at the same time many doubts. But most importantly aspect that more I rescue is that it made me think and develop argumentative skills. So, the subject bring me the things that I expected when I decided to study this career: to anderstand The Human.
In the subject we made a route through main currents of the anthrology history, since  first evolutionists, cultural relativists, structuralist, postmodernists, Between others. Classes were very didactic, I think, because teachers tried to include students in the discussion. Different classes were dicted by different teachers, depending on their specialty. First, was the profesor Gissi, then Was Marcelo Gonzalez, and then it supposed to be profesor Quiroz, but after time that faculty was in a stop because of Mobilizations ( I’m trying to not involve polic themes here, but I think all aspects of life to some extent are political, so is inevitable).

Up to the moment, I consider myself as an historical materialist :)