viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

Margaret Mead

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has".

Margaret Mead was born in 1901 and died in 1978. She was an american cultural anthropologist who became known in 1925 for her fieldwork at Polinesia. She received her Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1929, where she was disciple of Franz Boas and Ruth Benedict.

Mead focused on child-rearing and personality in Samoa New Guinea, and Bali resulting in such  ethnographies as Coming of Age in Samoa in 1928 and Growing Up in New Guinea in 1930.  In Bali she pioneered the use of photography for anthropological research, taking over 30,000 photographs of the BalineseShe continued to write on topics which focused on women's roles, childrearing, and other issues which clarify gender roles in primitive cultures and aspects of American society.

In spite of the critics that she received later because of her work on Samoa and New Guinea, which accused her of having polluted their research with their own prejudices and experiences; I think that she is very important because throughout her life, Margaret Mead was very committed with activist feminism and human rights.

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

Los Prisioneros

Today, I want to speak about this famous band, because I think that their music contributed to my view of life.
This is a chilian rock band, from the 80's, known for their social criticism. The lyrics talk about issues as social inequality, lack of oportunities, human feelings. It was originally formed by Jorge gonzález, Claudio Narea, and Miguel Tapia. I'm not sure, but actually, they are separated.
Their lyrics borned in a dictatorship, but I think that the problems they claim are the same today. Their struggle can not be further updated.

I like a lot of their songs, but lately, I've heard a lot one song, "amiga mía". This song is not about social struggle, but, for some reason, it touches very deep in me.

Here is a cover of the song, I think it's a very good version: 

And here the original: 

sábado, 13 de abril de 2013

My autobiography

My name is Estela Carrasco, and I don't have a nickname, everybody calls me Estela, sometimes my friends calls me "flaca". I was born in Providencia. I'm nineteen years old and I live in Santiago, but I used to live in Talagante with my mom, step father and brothers. Now I live with my grandmother since I started university. I miss them a lot, and most of all, I miss my brothers a lot. I'm the older of us three, Santiago has thirteen and Germán eleven, they are very clever guys. Sometimes I really miss my cat too, Tiger, he's not precisely and independent cat...
My father lives in Paris, he's Psychoanalyst and works there. Nevertherless, we meet frequently, because I often travel to Paris and other times my father comes to visit me in Chile. I also live with my aunt Carolina, her husband Jose and their daughter Rebeca, my one year old beautiful cousin. They used to live in Australia, and now they are provisionally with us.
I decided to call this Blog "My aunt's kitties and me" because my aunt Ale brought three cats from the street: Sofía came first, fourteen years ago, she's very smart, but she's a kind of evil, so my grandmother doesn't like her very much. Then, years after, "Teki" arrived, she's my favourite, because is fat and lovely, and when I study she's always with me. Finally, "Bama" arrived to this house, she doesn`t like very much people, but she's grateful. Alejandra no longer lives in this house, but kitties (or better say: fat cats) do. So my aunt's kitties have become an important part of my everyday life, and they help me to not miss tiger.
I must talk about my studies, well, I can say that all my school life was in the same School, from kinder to "cuarto medio", after that I did a year of bachillerato, in this university too. Now I'm on first year of anthropology.
I have a boyfriend, his name is Ricardo, we love each other very much. He's kind and handsome, and he helps me to study, because sometimes i'm a little messy.
I love to see movies,  and go to cinema. I like theater too, so I have participated in many courses. For these days I'm going to a flamenco course.