martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

How green am I?

I don’t think that I couldn’t say that I’m a green person, but at list, in my everyday life I try to consume as little as possible. Recently I have been learning friendly practices in my French course, because in the book that we use, there’s a unity that talks about “les decroissants” (in French), which means people that makes everything that is possible to consume the least possible, they recycle, reutilize, use the bicycle, never a car, recyclable nappies for the babies, they separate their waist to do not contaminate, and many others things. Is more a life style that an habit. So, recently that has been an open door to me to learn a little more of what to do. But, I think that in my family exist (overall in my mother’s family) a conscience of do not contaminate and hopefully, live only with the necessary. I think that I have incorporated in me some habits like dump the paper in the trash collector and not in the WC, do not dump waist in the streets or in a natural place and wait for a trash collector (maybe that could be considered as conscience with the workers that cleans, more than a green habit), I try to take a shower less than ten minutes, I turn off the water while I clean my teeth, and others things that I consider basic to life in a planet If we don’t want that the planet become extinct. There are some things that stress me, because I don’t know exactly what to do with that. Par example, since years I have a bag with a lot of batteries, because I don’t know where to put them, for another way, Makes me sick that other people simply don’t take importance to that and they but the batteries with the common trash, and I had heard that batteries decomposition takes at least thousands of years. That’s horrible! So, I will wait good information to do something with my batteries. Regarding to my way to move by the city, I use my legs and the public transport, the minority of times I use a car to go out with my boyfriend or something like that. I admit that I would like get my drive license quickly, because I think that is very utile in case of an emergency and to make a journey out of Santiago too.
I’ve never participated in any eco-organization, I don’t use to support them because I think that this types of organizations use to be impolitic. I think that and in many times the “green fight” distracts people of the real problem of society: the inequality. And sometimes green people in more occupied in animals that in persons, and I don’t think that this is ok.

Anyway, we can’t deny that any development needs to be accompanied by the conscience in nature. 

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Article from the Guardian

Picture from:

Fist of all, I went to and I founded this article, called "Pesticide poisoning confirmed as cause of death for Chilean condors". The Article was written on Monday from September twenty-third of 2013. Everything started when tourists saw dozens of condors crash-landing in the foothills of The Andes, on August. They started a rescue operation and they could recovery 22 of the condors, two of them dead. So, the SAG started and investigation, and after weeks of testing, they determined that the cause of death was that they died because of eating animal carcass that had been poisoned with the pesticide diplenylamine. According to Luis Mayol, the agriculture minister, "in Chile there are a large number of wild dogs wich live in packs in rural areas and wreak havoc among livestock", So the farmers put pesticide in animals carcasses. The thing is that us the Condor is an scavenger, they suffer the consequences. Eric Savard is a veterinarian saw how the rest of the group of condors get better, and he says that was common that the farmers puts poison meat during June, July and August, because in this moment winter drives pumas and poxes down from the mountain and they're poisoned :(
Of the 20 surviving condors, 19 were released. And the local government of Los Andes is now awaiting the confirmation from the PDI that the Condors were not poisoned intentionally.
I think that the study of these cases, could be important to our career because is possible to see the relationship between Humans and native animals, and how the state mediate in this situation. I believe that is an interesting study area the development of  the relationship between human and animal through time.

martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

My Favorite Band or Singer

My favourite band in this moment is Los prisioneros. In spite of that I already talk about this band last semester, I would like to mention them again, because they are so good and contingent that they deserve all my appreciation. I know more about them that months ago, first of all, they formed the band in the community of San Miguel in Santiago de Chile in the year 1979. The band was initially formed by Jorge González, Claudio Narea and Miguel Tapia. As you can see, the group was born in a dictatorship, and because of their lyrics which talked against the dictatorship, they where vetoed until the "democracy" arrived. Los Prisioneros talked about the society and culture that the dictatorship and repression formed, as they said: "La cultura de la basura" (Culture of trash). They protested against Pinochet, but also against arrivisme, light music that says anything, and fake conceptions about love. They play Rock music; they started developing a simple sound punk with touches of reggae and new wave, and later the synth pop. They recognize to have many music influences, they used to heard The Beatles, Kiss, Queen, The Bee Gees, The Clash, The Stranglers,  The Cars, Adam and the Ants, Devo, The Police, between others. Today, they are separated. 
I don’t know very much about “musical sounds” and who’s a great musician or who’s not, I think that the important thing is that this music touches your mind and heart and has a message to bring. And that’s why I love Los Prisioneros, because since the first time I heard them, at 7 years old I think, I never stopped to discovered new things in their music. As a kid I just loved the sound, because I didn’t understand the lyrics, but when I started to grow up I discovered more reasons to love them. Jorge González is a big one, I don’t have more words!!!

I present to you the song “Independencia Cultural”, I love this song because make us think about Chilean society and his music is amazing!