martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

How green am I?

I don’t think that I couldn’t say that I’m a green person, but at list, in my everyday life I try to consume as little as possible. Recently I have been learning friendly practices in my French course, because in the book that we use, there’s a unity that talks about “les decroissants” (in French), which means people that makes everything that is possible to consume the least possible, they recycle, reutilize, use the bicycle, never a car, recyclable nappies for the babies, they separate their waist to do not contaminate, and many others things. Is more a life style that an habit. So, recently that has been an open door to me to learn a little more of what to do. But, I think that in my family exist (overall in my mother’s family) a conscience of do not contaminate and hopefully, live only with the necessary. I think that I have incorporated in me some habits like dump the paper in the trash collector and not in the WC, do not dump waist in the streets or in a natural place and wait for a trash collector (maybe that could be considered as conscience with the workers that cleans, more than a green habit), I try to take a shower less than ten minutes, I turn off the water while I clean my teeth, and others things that I consider basic to life in a planet If we don’t want that the planet become extinct. There are some things that stress me, because I don’t know exactly what to do with that. Par example, since years I have a bag with a lot of batteries, because I don’t know where to put them, for another way, Makes me sick that other people simply don’t take importance to that and they but the batteries with the common trash, and I had heard that batteries decomposition takes at least thousands of years. That’s horrible! So, I will wait good information to do something with my batteries. Regarding to my way to move by the city, I use my legs and the public transport, the minority of times I use a car to go out with my boyfriend or something like that. I admit that I would like get my drive license quickly, because I think that is very utile in case of an emergency and to make a journey out of Santiago too.
I’ve never participated in any eco-organization, I don’t use to support them because I think that this types of organizations use to be impolitic. I think that and in many times the “green fight” distracts people of the real problem of society: the inequality. And sometimes green people in more occupied in animals that in persons, and I don’t think that this is ok.

Anyway, we can’t deny that any development needs to be accompanied by the conscience in nature. 

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