lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

La sociedad de la Igualdad

Francisco Bilbao
Do you recognize the sovereignty of the reason as authority of authorities?
Do you recognize the sovereignty of the people as base of all politics? 
Do you recognize the love and universal brotherhood as moral life?.

"La Sociedad de la Igualdad" (The society of the Equality) was a political Chilean organization founded by the intellectuals Francisco Bilbao y Santiago Arcos in 1850, during the conservative Republic initiated in 1831.

The Society of Equality raised the need of a revolutionary transformation of the society that would give beginning to a nation of free and equal men. They  attempted to mobilize artisans and the popular sectors. This Society was influenced by the ideals of the French revolution and the Utopian Socialism.

The utopian socialism was born in europe in the lates 1700 and earlies 1800. It emerges with the industrial revolution as a response to the miseries that the insdustry and urbanitation brought. The best known utopian (intellectuals from the bourgeoisie) were Saint Simon, Fourier and Owen, none of them proposed to emancipate a class but the whole humanity.

The historian Julio Godio says that the fact was that the utopic socialism in latinamerica acted a lot of times as a substitute of a consistent bourgeois liberal ideology and, under the wrapper of a generically socialist ideology, a democratic strategy was formulated. In spite of this, the Utopian socialism would have sowed in latinoamerica the seed of this new socialist ideology, which hereinafter would be defined by the "anarcosindicalismo" and the Marxist socialism.

1 comentario:

  1. It would be awesome that the whole society was equal. That's why we mobilized, to catch that utopian idea.

    Interesting post.
    Bye bye.
